How to upload your profile image

This article explains how to upload a profile image for your MyLeadPod account.


After logging in, click on the down arrow next to your name in the right-hand corner of the heading bar.

Click on Account Details in the menu options.

On the My Account -> Profile page, Click on Upload Photo.

A head shot of the account owner or an image that is easily recognisable to your brand or business should be used.

Photos should be at least 300 x 300 pixels.

Find your preferred image in your file system and Click Open.

1. Resize your selected image to fit in the circle. Move the circle to centre your image

2. Click Add Photo.

Your image is automatically updated, you do not need to click the Update Profile button. If you have made other changes on this page as in Basic Information or Billing Details, Scroll down and Click Update Profile.

If not happy with your selection, you might want to Remove the Photo by Clicking on the Remove Photo, or choose Change Photo if your current selected photo is not satisfactory.

After Clicking on Update Profile, A message “Your profile has been successfully updated” will appear in the right-hand corner.

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